Feature requests * On map edit interface, add address -> point geolocation widgety thingy... or better yet, for a page that is clearly related to a single address, just have an address field on the edit page, and maybe a checkbox if you want this address to show up on the map * Tags, displaying of; * - need to think about breaking into columns, maybe even pagination... http://DetroitWiki.org/People Layout requests * On page view, float page text around map * On map edit, it isn't clear how the map data you're creating is related to the wiki page... can there be more than one point related to a page, or vice versa? CKEditor requests * Can we have a
? * Contextual help / renaming of "redirect" button - "move page" "change title" or something? Layout bugs * On map view, tooltips don't align with point on map: http:/i.imgur.com/Go2SC.png Things that are borked: - Can't change user emails in admin interface - Can't change user passwords in admin interface - Can users change their name? - localwiki-manage shell, if a query fails (like user.delete()), all subsequent queries will fail until you start a new session ("DatabaseError: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block")