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= Organizing And Social Networks =

==Part of the 70 year tradition (Saul Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation)==
* Draw on people's exisiting networks
* Invite people to tell their stories
* Community is relayed through story
* Story about Compuserve and forums, they were trying to make $ at night, so they started forums, massively successful - challenged people to think about people in their http://bit.ly/TheRealSocialNetwork  LinkLanguage

* How to help get people to expand their comfort levels.  

* People are clumping into communities / groups and not mixing, esp in Portland with talented development pool.

* Reward collaboration

** How?  Usually through visiabilty, get to do presentation - have it be a collaborative one.

* What motivates us video - http://bit.ly/RsaWhatMotivatesUs    LinkLanguage 

* Personal thing to find like-minded people.

* Growth comes from outside your comfort level and with new poeple.

* Soemhow reach out and include people you don't know

* Get people excited, in a swamped effort - a commitment of time which is precious

* Who people turn to - SocialMapping - EmbewingTrust

* NetworkWeaving to make connections between people for them to grow together.

* Shared values as in relationship to trust.

* One to one relationship drives it.

* Step back - LeavingTheRoom to avoid anti-pattern OverOrganizing

* Trying to get to different groups to talk to each other - personal experience, of getting burned to coloring outside the lines.

* Crisis is an oportunity for change.

* If it is not broken, let's not fix it - everything is broken right now - cross own personal boundries.

* Critical tension - get people involved - massage egos - know they can trust, shared values are in common - flip side is that it is opposite, growth comes from oposite.

Leadership closes the gap - in service to something broader - 

Social capital

==Andy notes a theme==

* Successful social network or crowdsourcing takes some one to organize it
* Set up a virtual space for people to express themselves, as Compuserve did
* Set up a reward system that encourages (or at least recognizes) contributing and crossing  boundaries
* Set a time limit to tasks so that people know there will be a tangible outcome to the work they put in (example: Federal Government's open government forums early in the Obama administration)