Travelling survey: 1. Do you like travelling? a) Yes b) No 2. Who do you usually travel with? a) family b) friends c) school mates d) alone 3. What methods of transport do usually use? a) a car b) a coach c) a plane d) a train e) a ferry f) a bike 4. What places do you like visiting most? a) museums b) mountains c) amusement parks d) seasides e) towns f) big cities g) lakes 5. What are the reasons that push you to travel? a) holidays b) study c) work d) presence of family members elsewhere 6. What type of accommodation do you usually prefer? a) hotel b) bed and breakfast c) family d) hostel 7. Have you ever visited another European country? a) yes b) no 8. If yes, which of the following? * Austria * Belgium * Bulgaria * Croatia * Cyprus * Czech Republic * Denmark * Estonia * Finland * France * Germany * Greece * Hungary * Ireland * Italy * Latvia * Lithuania * Luxembourg * Malta * Netherlands * Poland * Portugal * Romania * Slovakia * Slovenia * Spain * Sweden * United Kingdom * The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia * Turkey * Albania * Iceland 9- Where would you like to go next holidays? a) to a big city. b) to an amusement park c) to small village in the mountains d) to the beach 10 - When do you prefer to travel? a) In winter b) In summer c) In spring d) In autumn 11- For how long do you like to travel? a) less than a week b) a week c) ten days d) fifteen days e) a month f) more than a month