Welcome to The Space Collective, collective collaboration by surprise! This pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents! "cool" -- "Very Cool" http://meetingwords.com/EJfnRRukmE http://spacecollective.org/gamma/5967/Space-collective-collaboration-by-surprise what does the singularity mean to you? Thanks for asking. I believe that The Singularity means to employ the same tool to solve many problems of different kinds. It is a technological peak of some kind, probably not strictly of a single kind. --γ The singularity is like a variable. It denotes an unknown value for which there are dynamic relationships. It may be modal if it transforms the state of the rest of the system. Others have used names such as Omega point. May wonder if there are intermediate test conditions, methods or values. Thanks. - johnrod wasn't there something like this bought by google lately?