


Either: 1. Join online using your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended:
Or: 2. Call in using your telephone.
Facilitator: Nhattan or Sofia ?
Note taker: Hannah Smith
Attending: Hannah Smith ( Lloyd Russell-Moyle (


0. Introduction:
1. Urgent actions items / issues emerging

2. Update from the Election Committee:
3. Interim Measures (saba):

4. Preparations for HLPF (Chris):
-Side events:
-Who will be there?
-Focal point review?
- Speaker priorities

5. Focal Point updates (please put below):

6. Updates on preparations for next OWGs (focal points & Sofia)

7. DRR
8. ECOSOC youth Forum Update (Lloyd?)

9. Finance update:

10. AOB


Facilitator: Saba & lloyd
Note taker: Nhattan
Present: Hannah Smith ( ) Chris Bradford (, Nhattan Nguyen (, Juan José Galeano (
Palash Ranjan Sanyal (, Tam Hoang (, Kehkashan Basu ( ) Soo Ah Kwon (, Hung Vo (


0. Introductions (& prioritise agenda points?)

1. General Updates:
2. Elections / Selections:
Our constituency:
Other Constituencies:
3. OWG updates and next steps (Olimar / Aashish / any youth present):

4. HLPF preparations (chris)
5. ECOSOC Youth Forum - "#Youth2015: Realizing the Future They Want"
Outcome Document: 
@ACTION - Hannah incorporate the call-out for attendees of HLPF and ECOSOC Youth Forum in one email early next week.
@REQUEST - Tam can we also please find out attendees at the Expert Group Meeting on Indicators related to Post-2015, 17-18 June 2014? Thanks!

6. Funding / Finance
Saba Loftus 
Lloyd Russell-Moyle 
Tam Hoang 
Aashish Khullar 
David Collste 
Christopher Dekki 
Olivier Vermeulen 
Waruguru Wanjau
Karuna Rana 
Luciano Frontelle 
Usman Mushtaq 
Michael Kalmus Eliasz 
Actions / Volunteers needed:
7. Communications Team (Palash):
Volunteers needed: 
8. SIDS Taskforce (Karuna):
9. DRR Taskforce (Tam):
10. 10YFP on SCP Team (10YFP Focal Points)
11. Renewal Committee updates (Hilary/Hannah)
12. Sri Lanka and WCY 2014
Updates / Actions / Volunteers needed:
@ Volunteers: Saket, Nhattan, Sarah Haynes (Restless), Palash Ranjan Sanyal, Aashish
13. Children Working Group:
14. Focal Points Training
15. AOB?
16. Feedback on today’s call:

Meeting 19th February minutes:

1. Kickstarting OP selection Process:
2. Strategy for next 2 years
3. Updates from Taskforces & Working Groups
4. General Housekeeping:


Partipate online at:

Facilitator: Hannah
Note taker: Mari-Claire
Present:Hannah (Restless Development), Lloyd (YFJ - European Youth Forum), Amanda (Advocates for Youth),  Chris Bradford (World Future Council), Sarah Dayringer, Hilary (WAGGGS), Juan Jose Galeano (Asociación Civil Generación Par ), Mari-Claire Price (RESURJ), Nhattan Nguyen (WOSM), Rebbecca Reingold (IPPF WHR), Sarah Gold (IWHC), Ji-Sung Kim, Saba Loftus
Apologies: N/A

1. OWG7 Feedback (Lloyd) 

- Cities, Transportation, Climate Change, Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable Production and Consumption
- Formal int Cities, Climate Change and Sus. Productions and Consumtion
- Statements Transport 
- Updates to website- interventions there- links to social networks 
- Need summary of OWG7 finalized - and link policy papers together - Para on each day and link to interventions 
-Youth Blast, UNCCC inputs / deadline probs, tried to still incorporate inputs and feedback 
- Climate Change- CAFOD paper - why climate change must be tackled in post 2015 etc, 5 options - before OWG7 climate change could have been lost, after this OWG climate change will be target/ goal etc - the paper really helped the way Climate Change was seen 
-MGCY asked to present similar paper on youth and children, to be presented at breakfast meetings at OWG8 with govts (CAFOD paper shows examples of arguments / presentation of paper (see OWG8)
- side meetings  etc 
- MG participation format has changed (for OWG7 onwards)  - mornings start with MG specific meetings (MGCY, MGW etc mornings) then morning hearing, then day and side events, then plenary, after closing of plenary 5-6pm all MGs session- all attend meeting and share cross cutting issues, logistical updates etc 

Below is the link to the Summary. It is readyish for publishing on the website. I sent it to the ops@.. address and cc d Lloyd.  Due to lazyness, I am not sure who is on the comms team, but please forward it to or inform me of who those people are. 

2. OWG8 Planning (Saba) 
See full details for this agenda point in the OWG8 planning doc:
1) Input to the Co-chairs on specific targets, indicators  - MC & Sarah Dayringer bottom-lining, Short, concise, needs to be handed over before the zero draft (officially end of OWG8)
2) Brief for breakfast meetings - Hilary & Chris Bradford bottomlining. Similar structure to CAFORD Paper (joint UNMCampaign and older people's lobby) - London meeting Lloyd, Chris and Hannah?
3) Major Groups Prioirities Paper (3 pager): Sarah Gold bottomlining. Update main points on all SDGs in format requested from MGs- 3 page briefing document - format Lloyd will send 
4) 5 points per thematic area for OWG8 - Rebecca to bottomline. To develop statements and interventions Form for collection of input: Rebecca will update

3. Internal Governance Review Process Update (Working Group on Internal governance and MGCY renewal) (Hannah Smith)
Goal areas: 
Key Steps: 
1)   Support the upcoming OP election process (join facilitation team calls, propose timeline, process and recruitment criteria)
2)   Draft 2-3 alternative governance structure proposals, in partnership with new OPs
3)   Propose a uniform process for developing positions and interventions for future meetings
4)   Support future Strategic Plan process by leading on “stocktaking” / mapping (propose World Conference on Youth as a key milestone / potential strategy workshop with MGCY attendees)
5)   Update Processes and Procedures document, in partnership with new OPs

Hilary has designed the following strategy tree diagram to illustrate how steps build towards vision of participatory and transparent MGCY: 

DESA deadlines to be incorporated into WG next steps: 
March - Need to have published the process by which plan to elect OPs
March - membership criteria of MG (conversation in DESA - what is our constituency) 
(advise) July- HLPF handover to have initiated 
OPs 2 year cycle - OPs starting after HLPF - suggestion HLPF good opp to handover 

4. Other Task Force & Working Group Updates
5. AOB
DATE: Friday 06 December 20:00 CET/ 19:00GMT

 •    Open Working Group 6 -
◦    Venue and plan for strategy meeting
◦    Means of Implementation (science and technology, knowledge-sharing and capacity building) -
◦    Global Partnerships -
◦    Needs of countries in special situations. -
◦    Human Rights and Right to Development -
◦    Global Governance -
◦   Currently no speaker for MOI, Lloyd will email around to inform about the three speaking slots we have requesting input and suggested speaker for MOI.

Action point  Next meeting proposed for 13th Jan 14:00 GMT.


Meeting notes: MGCY Facilitation Team Call –  Monday 11th November 7pm GMT / 3pm EST

Facilitation Team Call
Facilitator: Saba/Sarah Dayringer
Note taker: Olimar /Saba (alternative notes available at: )
Attending: Hannah, Saba, Oli, Sarah D, Aashish, David, Chris, Wen, Mushfiq, Husni, Olimar, 
Apologies: Usman, Chris, Lloyd

1. Finance:
2. OWGs:
3. 10YFP on SCP Focal Points (Nhattan and Saba):
4. SIDS (Karuna & saba):
Form now translated into 3 of the 4 languages of the 3 regions.
Names & Emails?

5:Finance for SD:

6. Update on Major Group Governance Review Process (Hannah)
-ACT completed.

6. Update on Permanent forum on youth:

s to promote full, effective, structured, and sustainable participation of young people and youth-led organizations in relevant decision making processes including in designing and implementing policies, programmes and initiatives and in the elaboration of the emerging post-2015 development agenda . . .

We had hoped that even if any mention of a permanent forum is removed, there would still be the word "mechanism" in the paragraph.  Obviously, this is not the case.  Nevertheless, this is certainly language with which we can work and I am happy to say that our intense lobbying efforts have paid off.  Also, we should pay special attention to this:

OP21 Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its seventieth session a report on the implementation of the present resolution, including on ways to promote effective, structured, sustainable youth participation in designing, implementing and assessing United Nations youth policies, programmes and initiatives, which should be prepared in consultation with Member States, as well as the relevant specialized agencies, funds and programmes, and regional commissions, taking into account the work done by the United Nations System; and also request the Secretariat to consult, as appropriate, with youth-led and youth-focused organizations to ensure that various youth inputs are duly shared with the General Assembly during its deliberations.

This is another paragraph that would give us the space necessary to create structures and mechanisms that allow for youth policy input.  We also fought very hard for this paragraph and it is thanks to the efforts of ICMYO organizations like my own (Pax Romana), the European Youth Forum, and others like the Brazilian mission (especially Joao) that this is even still in the language of the resolution.  Either way, the burden is now on youth activists like us to keep the pressure on as to make sure that everything we have fought for does not fall to the wayside.  If you would like to see the full resolution on youth in its latest draft form, you can access it here:

Meeting notes: MGCY Facilitation Team Call –  21/10/2013

Facilitator: Oli
Note taker: Hannah
Attending: Ankan (Consultant- water resources& climate science-Gov of Meghalaya), Hannah (Restless Development), Luciano (Brazilian Youth Coalition), Rebecca (IPPF), Timo (Netherlands, Choice for Youth and Sexuality), Wen, Saba, Aashish (Pax Romana)
apologies: Lloyd, Jerry, Ties, Willice, Sarah D, Sara, Chris Dekki, Joao, Ivana, Sarah, Karuna, Samora, Saskia, Dan, Dave, Nhattan, Mika, Alina, Grace, Upendo, anna, Ian, Mike E, Michael, John R., Samuel DFL, Saket
1.         UNGA follow-up, specifically Permanent Forum on Youth:
2.         Open Working Group
a.         Intersessional meetings
b.        5th meeting
3.         SIDS meeting 2014
4.         Istanbul conference next month
5.         Focal points for 10 year YFP production & consumption
6.         Clarification on MGCY Governance Reform / OP Election Process
7.         World We Want page moderation
8.         MGCY Finance
1. UNGA follow-up, specifically Permanent Forum on Youth:
·             Main contact: Chris D
·             Official delegates are lobbying in the 3rd committee to ensure that the Permanent Forum on Youth is included in the committee resolution.
·             Question: which countries are blocking? 
African group & the US, Canada and Israel group
ACT – Chris: to send around key lobbying doc
ACT – Hannah: send questions from Chris to Oli for clarification
2 A) Open Working Group, Nov 22 intersessional:
·             MGCY key contact: Chris Dekki
·             2 intersessional meetings planned – one in Nov, one in January
·             Not certain what will happen over the 2 days yet, but the basic principle is to encourage greater dialogue between civil society and OWG member states
·             Will be an extention of the civil society morning briefings at the regular OWG meetings – process will be similar, but nothing concretised. Process for influencing the co-chairs and secretariat.
·             Steering Committee: Particpants from all major groups sit on the committee, Chris D is the MGCY rep, and there have been 2 calls so far: 
o        1st discussed format – whether open or closed – will be open invitation, want to ensure diverse participation but very little funding for enabling participation from global south. Likely that there will be plenary sessions with the chair, and then break-out groups.
o        2nd meeting: Chris participated, do not know details yet
·             Question: 
ACT - Chris: once we know what the process for speakers and participation will be, please publish info on main MGCY mailing list
2 B) 5th Open Working Group Meeting, Nov 25-27th
·             Lead Contact: Chris D
·             Focal Points: Aashish – OWG 5 thematics:
            (Mike – OWG 6  thematics)
·             For information see:
·             Thematics for 5th meeting: International trade, finance systems, Economic growth, Infrastructure development, Energy
·             Registration for participation – via CSO net, if you have a ground pass it’s not strict, but technically you are supposed to register:
·             Difficult for international youth to attend because of visa requirements
·             Form going around soon for OWG 5 Youth Blast participation
·             John Romano will be there with Aashish, tracking, pushing for specific points
·             Don’t know how many positions available for youth to speak yet
·             OWG 6 will be v well attended, in contrast to 5 – team working on lobby points
·             Question: What is happening post-youth blast, specifically
Response: Lloyd is leading on follow-up from Youth Blast, but very swamped at the moment, if anyone is free to chip in further please say so
ACT – Oli: to send around latest versions of lobby points / thematic positions
ACT - ??: Send information on OWG youth blast, including online form
ACT – ??Lloyd??: Identify support person to follow-up on Youth Blast Actions
3. SIDS meeting 2014
·             Contacts: Karuna and Saba
·             Recruiting regional focal points
·             Application open until Oct 30th – looking for translation to French, Spanish and Portuguese
·             LAC region also looking for push
ACT: Luciano can do Portuguese translation
ACT: Karuna is doing French
ACT: Oli is doing Spanish
Ankan could do Bengali, if helpful
4. Istanbul Conference
·             Contact: Ivana 
·             No points for discussion
ACT – Saba: to share the links to the youth participation list and forms
5. Focal points for 10 year YFP production and consumption
·             Deadline has passed
·             58 applicants, shortlist will be contacted soon
6. Clarification on MGCY Governance Reform / OP Elections Process
·             Question: Interested to hear more from OPs on how MGCY will be engaging with the broader reform of the Major Group system – see Barbara Adams Report: 
·             The facilitation call is not the space to discuss broader conceptual questions / make decisions on structure and governance, need to engage with the right working group within the MGCY – specifically, talk to Ivana re: Barbara Adams Report
·             OP election process will begin in November
·             (Clarification from Ivana, post-call) The MGCY has adopted a policy on our structure and governance which is published online, this was agreed in 2011 after an 18 month process and is unlikely to go through reform/review unless a significant proportion of the MGCY constituency calls for such a process
·             Still unclear on how the broader UN DESA-led reform process affects us as the MGCY
ACT: Hannah to follow-up with Ivana, who is leading on this
7. World We Want Page Moderation
·             Ran out of time to discuss
8. MGCY Finance
·             Ran out of time to discuss
a.         Debrief proposed for meeting w/ John Podesta last month
·             Ran out of time to discuss
ACT – Hannah: to follow-up with participants via email, propose skype call if relevant
ACT – ??: Set up additional facilitation team call  to finish off today’s agenda, including: 
·             Youth Blast follow-up
·             World We Want page moderation 
·             MGCY Finance


Date: Unknown

OWG Intersessional (November & January)

OWG 5 (POC: Chris & Aashish):
This is the pad to start contributing to the MGCY's preparation for the Open WOrking Group 5. It will be held in NYC form the 25th to the 27th of November:

Technical briefs of the topics are available here

SIDS 2014 (POC Karuna & Saba):
Istanbul (POC: Ivana)
10YFP on SCP focal points (POC: Saba [DESA / ECOSOC MGCY] & Nhattan [UNEP MGCY]:
ACT: Deadline for nominations from Eastern Europe extended until the 29th October 
World we want page (ivana)
OP elections:
Finance (OPs):
We applied for a EU/UNDESA grant and it has been agreed. UNDESA needs a natural person (and it can only go to one person) to sign who is from an organisation. This is for legal reasons. The total amount is about $60,000 and will involve the legal responcabillity. Saba/Rio+20s to sign this money. The money is for work of the MGCY over the next 2 years. The work plan has been agreed with them to do the following activites:

Work Package/Result
(details of work packages and specific deliverables will be made available shortly)            MG            Total (euros)
WP1 –Support to thematic clusters 10,000
WP1 - Develop online collaboration tools 3,800
WP2- Intergenerational solidarity 11,550
WP3- Art contest in SIDS 4,000
WP3- Youth Blast at SIDs 3,800
WP4- Enhanced coordination between major Groups’ work and Post-2015 constituency 16,000
WP4- Youth Blast at SD financing 3,500
WP5- General awareness raising and outreach 8,430
Date: September 20th 

1. Updates
2. Media / Communication:

3. Finance
We applied for a EU/UNDESA grant and it has been agreed. UNDESA needs a natural person (and it can only go to one person) to sign who is from an organisation. This is for legal reasons. The total amount is about $60,000 and will involve the legal responcabillity. The proposal is that Saba/Rio+20s to sign this money. The money is for work of the MGCY over the next 2 years. The work plan has been agreed with them to do the following activites:

Work Package/Result
(details of work packages and specific deliverables will be made available shortly)            MG            Total (euros)
WP1 –Support to thematic clusters 10,000
WP1 - Develop online collaboration tools 3,800
WP2- Intergenerational solidarity 11,550
WP3- Art contest in SIDS 4,000
WP3- Youth Blast at SIDs 3,800
WP4- Enhanced coordination between major Groups’ work and Post-2015 constituency 16,000
WP4- Youth Blast at SD financing 3,500
WP5- General awareness raising and outreach 8,430
 The money needs to be secured for the MGCY and not for the hosting orgasniations. We therefore need to create a governance framework. Suggestion to make sure that the MGCY Financeing group over views this money.
Suggested to name individuals in the finance working group who are clear that this is their joint responcability (morally). Money is only given in instalments and only on proof of the spending. 

Maybe at the next FT call we can get named individuals who will coordinate the  implmentation of the projects.

AGREE to sign now whilst we are in NYC and then set up governance board.

4. Who will be at events in NYC

Womens MG contact: Sascha Gabizon <>


AGENDA and minutes for 27th August Call

Attending: Mike, Lloyd, Benjamin Boggess, Chelsea Ricker, Sooh Ah Kwan, Hillary, Oli, Saba, 
Apologies: Ivana, Rhoda, Wen

1. MGCY Organised / participation in Events (september)

ACT: Joao to follow up about venue
ACT: Joao to email MGCY mailing list to establish team to organise / coordinate event
@ACT Youth Blast Call: 
- Send email to mailing list to coordinate a call for organizing the Youth Blast. ( Joao )
@ACT Mike, Joao and Esperanza: to sit down and call Missions to schedule a reception in honor of the death of CSD20. Maybe reach out to Sri Lanka again. 

2. CSD20

-Talking shop to close down the CSD process.
- OPs spoke with UNDESA and mentioned that CSD was not our priority but we will have some representation. 
- There will be two seats per MGs and secondary passes for the event.
- We still dont have a process for determined who are going to be the speakers. We are collecting information from youth orgs that will be there so we can contact them directly. 
- Accreditation is important since GA will make things more complicated than usual. 
- We need:
@ACT to Saba: will email mailing list about speakers


- We are drafting a letter from all MGs to guarantee participation of civil society during the opening of the HLPF. So far, Business is the only one speaking
- Letter on HLPF:

- Letter to Financing Committee:

4. MDG Special Event

- The meeting is expected to culminate in the develop of a framework to bring together the MDGs and the SDG processes. 
- There will be an opportunity for 3 speakers on panels. Each  MG will select 3. One person will be speaking on behalf of all at the beginning, then 2 for panels. 
- UN will select 9 at the end, one per each MG. 
- Criteria: 
-We need to select a MGCY representative by 6th September.
- We will have a committee to select the speaker. 
- @ACT Selection Committee:  Saba, Chelsea, Mike, Lloyd 
- @ACT Saba: email with the ask on nominations and inviting people to be in the selection panel. 

5. OP Updates

SD Financing committee:
(1) the two co-chairs Nigeria (Mansur Muhtar) & Finlande (Pertti Majanen) are confirmed and very open to MGs participation
(2) they will host the briefing for Member States and other stakeholders with an annual UN Ground pass on Friday, 30 August 2013, from 15:00 to 16:00, in the Trusteeship Council Chamber. All are invited to attend. 
We will provide any additional information as it trickles in. 
Pursuant to paragraph 7 of General Assembly resolution 67/203 of 21 December 2012, there will be a briefing, convened by the Co-Chairs of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing, on the progress of the work of the Committee, on Friday, 30 August 2013, from 15:00 to 16:00, in the Trusteeship Council Chamber. All are invited to attend. 

New OP elections:
- After the September events  finalize, there will be elections of the new OPs. It will be a long and democratic process.
- Elections for the MG will take place in 2013, before all MGs. There will be a call for asks and nominations. However, the MGCY will have to develop an election system.  
- We need volunteers to drive the process, including current OPs. 
- OP role will be a facilitator: link between MG and UN. Need organizations that can provide institutional support. 
- We need to develop criteria and voting system. 
-If people / individuals come forwards who are great and no ECOSOC accreditation or organisations with ECOSOC accreditation...without a candidate then its useful to make links.

SIDS interregional meeting:
Karuna temporary deputy OP.

6) Any other business
- Response to SG Reponse: Not much included on youth participation. Some groups have a response based on SHRH, youth participation and gender equality. 


AGENDA for Monday 5 August

1. Urgent issues/Updates
- UNGA / MDG / HLPF events in September
Wed 18th - Thur 19th September: IANYD and Youth would be on the High Level IANYD only meeting (Registration to go out shortly) 
Fri 20th September (10-1PM): last CSD 20 (Registration
Fri 20th (afternoon) Session 1 Briefing with MGs and other stakeholders (
Sun 22 September (mornings) Session 2 Briefing with MGs and other stakeholders: (
Sat 21st - Sun 22nd September: for the ICMYO meeting (all Youth Organisations invited) 
Sun 22 September: UN-NGLS is organizing a meeting on Advancing Regional Recommendations on Post-2015: Dialogue between CSOs, Gov’ts & UN on 
Mon 23 September (all day): (1) Sustainable Cities and (2) partnerships and voluntary commitments for sustainable development that will feed directly into the HLPF.
Tue 24 September afternoon (3 - 7 pm): High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (MGCY will get one seat not more) NEED to decide who reps us:
Wed 25 September: GA High-level Event on MDGs With launch of the SG report on MDGs/Post 2015 (Registration

- Update IANYD
The applications are due to go out later this week. The meeting will be chaired by the SG envoy on youth. There will be large amounts of foundations on the second day. The agenda is still to be finalised, but there will be interactive sessions, heads of agency and Ban Ki-Moon. Mike will send out more details when we get it. 

There is funding for a few participatns, every UN agency has committed to fun a number of participatns with UNFPA the most generous. The selection criteria has been worked out by the youth committee and they will select the people. A couple of the agnecies will ear mark the people that they want and there will be prioirty for global south. There will be options for online and regional office participation. 

2. Publicity Strategy
2. Nomination of Stakeholders Focal Points for the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP).
We only got the invitation a few hours ago, but its not clear that this could be nominated by the UNEP Major Gropus or from the UN SD Major Groups. 
ACT; Ivana to contact with UNEP OPs to see the next steps. 

3. Issues delt with already 

ACT: Lloyd to contact Saba to ask who was nominated from us and if there are still places. 

ACT: Report from OPs to be circulated to MGCY.
ACT: Map Asia pacific networks, groups, coalitions, clubs, organisations to make regional consultations in August easier. Saba sent an email to MGCY 
Icana send for coments the outreach stratergy and a focus has been given on the Children consutlation in the Childrens Working Group. 

4. Issues from the Taskforces


Urgent: Select participants for the online steering committees for the thematic sessions.

Open Working Groups:

5th session (25-27 November 2013) 

 (Registration Link )
        25 November: Sustained and inclusive economic growth: Oli
        26 November: Macroeconomic policy questions (including international trade, international financial system and external debt sustainability) and infrastructure development Aashish  
        27 November: Industrialization and energy Dylan / Sarah D as backup.
Fifth session; 25-27 November, 2013 ( Registration Link )
·        6th session (9-13 December 2013) 
        9 December: Means of implementation (science and technology, knowledge-sharing and capacity building) 
        10 December: Global partnership for achieving sustainable development 
        11 December: Needs of countries in special situations, African countries, LDCs, LLDCs, and SIDS, as well as specific challenges facing the middle-income countries, and the right to development 
        12 December: Human rights 
        13 December: Global governance 
    POLICY COORDINATORS ( Registration Link )
 Sixth session; 9-13 December, 2013 

·        7th session (6-10 January 2014) 
        6 January: Sustainable cities and human settlements 
        7 January: Sustainable transport
        8 January: Sustainable consumption and production (including chemicals and waste), Dylan 
        9 January: Climate change : Oli
        10 January: Disaster risk reduction 

·        8th session (3-7 February 2014) 
        3 February: Oceans and seas 
        4 February: Forests and biodiversity 
        5 February: Promoting equality, including social equity, gender equality and women’s empowerment 
        6 February: Conflict prevention, post-conflict peacebuilding and the promotion of durable peace 
        7 February: Rule of law and governance 
There is a possible request for a young woman to input in the the high level segment as a young women. We need to start thinking about how to select and what we would like to address. We should work with the MGCY and WMG together to make sure that its a joint statment. 
This would strenthen our arguemnt for making sure that a youth in involved. We can wait for selecting a person, but work on the statment. 
ACT: Ivana to link with Sacha and Alice to help draft a statment.  Hilary asks for more infomation (

Future Generations:
The UN SG report on future generations in due out in End August/Start September, which will include establshing a UN instutions to safeguard future generations - this would be MASIVE IF IT GETS THROUGH.
World Future council is alerting members states that this report is comming out soon so that they show support for it from a considerable number of states so that this doesnt end up in a draw somewhere. Thinking about getting a letter of support. 
Alot of dicussion has been on how politically palatable some of these things can be and we need to make a judgement on what is positive and what is negative (our red lines). Some think the proposal maybe something like an Envoy for Future Generations with an eye for a dedicated UN body whilst is could be more like an instiution. 

ACT; Alice to prepare a draft for the letters (good letter and bad letter) and then MGCY agree in principle depending on the report content. Ciculate to the governance task foce. 

Currently in recess rights now. They will start back in October. This will become a big thing to follow.. There is some more treoubling working for the youth forum but its not very exciting. Lloyd has proposed wording: 
OP25bis Decides that ECOSOC will convene annually, a Youth Forum as part of its regular programme in order to enhance/increase the Council's interaction with youth in particular it functions shall be based on the good practice of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (E/2000/22) using existing resources, including the UN Trust Fund for Youth, and shall: 
(a)  Provide expert advice and recommendations on the World Programme of Action on Youth (A/RES/62/126) and wider youth issues to the Council, as well as to programmes, funds and agencies of the United Nations, through the Council;
(b) Raise awareness and promote the integration and coordination of activities relating to youth issues within the United Nations system and in particular to the UN Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development;
(c)  Prepare and disseminate information on youth issues;
(d)  Consist of a bi-annual cycle of UN Regional Youth Forums preceded in the second year with a global UN Youth Forum;
(e)  Be held in co-operation with, and including the participation of, youth-led organisations, regional youth platforms and representatives of state recognised national youth councils or national youth representatives bodies.  
(f)        Apply the rules of procedure established for subsidiary organs of the Council as applicable, unless otherwise decided by the Council; the principle of consensus shall govern the work of the Permanent Forum;

ACT: Lloyd to send around to the governace group the draft letter. 

5. Updates / Issues from the Working Groups

Specific working groups in more depth:
 --> Children --!forum/children
 --> Finance
 --> Outreach
6. Other issues to feed back on 
ACT: Lloyd to email a forum asking for suggestions. 
        Suggestions that were raised are:

Still waiting for feedback. 

There has been a review going on. There was a draft ciculated. 
ACT: Lloyd to email out to the MGCY: for comments. 

There was a paper on the governance of the MG OPs and there is a proposal that all MG have a new election/selection process by June 2014. 
ACT: Lloyd to circulate the complitation paper. 

7. AOB
-- Outreach and Intergration --!forum/outreach

Meeting Minutes, 12 Jul 2013 at 18:00 GMT (7pm London time, 8pm Berlin Time, 2pm New York Time)

Facilitator: Saba
Attending: Joao, Saba, Sara, Ivana, Lloyd, Shani, Aashish, Matt, Natalia, Wen, Sarah, Mike, Stacey, David
Apologies: Oli (SF), John (Conference), Esther (internet issue and timing), Kabita (internet issues)


1. UNICEF about the  Pre Youth Conference for the regional consultation on Post 2015 and SDGs in Istanbul 3 - 6 of September
Volunteers to be the point of contact and facilitators of MGCY involvement with this meeting plus compile list of those attending, ensure youth and children represented and visibly present. No funding available
    Volunteers: Sarah (TBC), Shani, Joao(to facilitate), 
2. Financing  (Policy) -- Intergovernmental Committee on a Sustainable Development Financing Strategy
NOTE: It will be important to start a consultation now so that a proposal for a few options on modalities of participation. Focal Point: Ivana,Shani, Aashish

3. Regional consultation on Post 2015 and SDGs in Istanbul 3 - 6 of September topic (Part of the Outreach and Post2015 and Sustinable Development Policy Working Group): Inclusive and Sustainable Development: Perspectives from Europe and Central Asia on the Post-2015 Development Agenda” 
4. Child and Youth Consultations on the World We Want 
We need moderators and facilitator
It's in initial phase. 
We need facilitators and moderators for both world we want and MGCY. 
questions like what you like about your community and what you dont will be in the topics.
3 consultants for children, 1 for others
At this point we have not involved children actually. We need activities with them. This consultation will be in the age limit: 8-18
Useful if the children working group gets involved.!forum/children

5. Capacity Building (Part of the Outreach and Intergration Working Group):
facilitators: Blue Ribbon movement
Speakers: Aashish, Saba, Volunteer on post2015 policy, volunteer to speak about beyond 2015 work / MDGs?
Conference line set up: volunteer:
Blue Ribbon has been setting this up.!forum/outreach
6. Google Hangout on Youth and the Post-2015 Development Agenda with John Podesta and Tawakkol Karman (Part of the Outreach and Post2015 and Sustinable Development Policy Working Group)
7. Budapest Water Summit 2013 (Part of the Outreach and Post2015 and Sustinable Development Policy Working Group):
- Goal of the Summit: Provide recommendations on the SDG for Water and the post-2015. Event will be attended by all high level officials working on water. 
- MGCY will host a session on Universal Access to Water and Sanitation 
-All panelists have received an email if they are being funded. 
-Online consultation taking place to determine the content of the session and format.
-Further discussions online. Join at:
- Funding avialable: you can apply to not us
MGCY is helping to coordiante and lots of youth based NGOS are part of this. It is related to the water and post-2015 agenda. There will be a session that the MGCY will run on universal access. Panelsits: Joao, Wilice, Olimar, Jovana, Roos (Saba helping coordainte) 

Please contact Olimar ( for more info (call to be scheduled). Funding available but apply asap via the official website (email sent to youth space)

Another conference on water where youth and women are seeking to attend. Stacey will try and attend:
Stacey to send an email if its possible to still apply to everyone so that they opertunity can be spread out. 

8. Meeting with Youth at the Annual meeting for the Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development ( (Part of the Outreach and Intergration Working Group)

Decision: Mike
Runner ups: Joao and Chris D.
Nominations should already be filled in before the start of the meeting on:
-No funding avialable for the planning

The following people have applied so far:
People who are willing to select: 
Criteria to think about:
ACT: selection committee to vote (done)
ACT: results to be shared with MGCY (done)

Decision: Mike to be the representative and Chris & Joao to support if Mike needs it.

9. Last OWG Follow Up (Part of the Outreach and Post2015 and Sustinable Development Policy Working Group)
request by Sarah Gold:
co-chairs report for the 4th OWG meeting will not reflect the many calls made by governments and civil society for sexual and reproductive health and rights (nearly 50 countries made explicit calls for SRHR and Uruguay delivered a powerful statement on behalf of 23 states calling for universal access to SRH services, comprehensive sexuality education, and the fulfillment of sexual and reproductive rights).  I’ve worked on a letter with the Women’s Major Group urging for the report to accurately reflect these calls and was wondering how you feel about trying to send a similar letter on behalf of the MGCY drawing on the final talking points we developed? 

Send a constructive letter. This may rock the boat but as long as we are not aggressive. 
Sarah Gold to make the initiative. Mike to look over the letter. 

ACT: Saba emailed Sarah (done)

The MGCY has working groups that look at internal, operational issues or special interest issues. There are currently 4 Working Groups: (1) Children; (2) Finance & Fundraising; (3) Outreach and Integration; (4) Publicity, Website & Media.
We really need people to join and take an active role in all the working groups. Please let us know if you are interested!
11. Publicity, Website and Media --!forum/publicity
Co-ordinator: Saba in the interim until someone better can be found.
Next call? Please fill in : so we can pick a time for the first meeting.

Volunteers to develop content (e.g what the tabs should be and what should be on the tabs) and redesign (small budget available). 
Saba gettting a group together (contact her if you are intrested:
Please like

12. Finance and Fundraising --
Please note that the Finance and Fundraising Group doesn’t give out money to members to participate or run projects. It looks at ways to get resources for the operation of the Major Group. All funds are sent through either OP organisations or our USA partner SustainUS. 

Volunteered to help (PLEASE PUT YOUR EMAIL DOWN)
    Next Call:
The audio of the call is available here in 20 min: 


-- Children --!forum/children
-- Outreach and Intergration --!forum/outreach
Each major group is facilitated by an organising partner. This person is selected by the Major Group from time to time and confirmed by the UN DESA as the facilitator of the space. They are organisations who appoint lead people, They do not speak on behalf of the major group more than anyone else in policy, but do act on behalf of the major group in logistical affairs. Presently the MGCY has 2 Organising Partners (OPs): Rio+Twenties (registered in Belgium) and Centre for Human Rights and Development Studies (based in Serbia). The OPs and their Deputies can be contacted on
All other items discussed in agenda. 

Taskforces are the groups, which work on our policy and negations. MGCY has two one focusing on the policy debates and post-2015 and the other on the Governance of Sustainable Development. Please put NAMES and EMAIL addresses (so we can contact you)
-- Post 2015 and Sustainable Development Policy Task Force --!forum/post2015
Future Open Working Group
Fifth session; 25-27 November, 2013 
Sixth session; 9-13 December, 2013 
Seventh session; 6-10 January, 2014 
Eight session; 3-7 February, 2014 
Last OWG: (can send some written feedback after, going to be writing up for IFMSA anyway - Mike) yes, please and thank you. did you try 
-- Governance and Participation Task Force --!forum/governance

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