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What is open? What does open education mean?
Issues of access. Technological barriers. Access limited by academic calendars. Delivery methods? Method of delivery, educational objectives.
Access for education in third-world countries. Investment in capital, but not in educational delivery.
Accessibility to technology, internet access. Too city-centric in making assumptions about who has access to technology/internet?

Institutional ownership of the product of employees' work

Large institutions = necessary risk aversion. An institution needs to know it's parameters

Cultural imperialism being furthered by educational institutions. Will open education just enable institutions to carry on in this manner?

Relationships with publishers. Financial reward, existing status.

Technology-based resources - too much emphasis? Technology use and adoption in different cultures/communities.
 Easy options being presented to universities from a range of externals, e.g. systems such as learning management systems (Moodle, blackboard), as well as publishers. They make it easier for institutions to lock into "solutions". Are we being lazy? Should we be making more of an effort to find these solutions ourselves?

Credit - recognition for prior learning. How will institutions recognise open education participation when students wish to transfer to more formal courses?

Educational (physical) space in institutions - for collaborative learning.

Difficulties of opening up beyond the walls (and firewalls) of LTU. How do we engage with the community?

How does the casualisation of academic workforce affect our abilities to collaborate within and without the institution they're (temporarily) attached to? 

The pitfalls of repositories. Repostories can provide access to those who may not otherwise have access, but lack of recognition

Link to open source software movement - not prohibited from entering commercial enterprises, just that it is open to access

Governments riding the open wave - Government 2.0 - endorsement of public service information required to adopt open licensing.
Research agencies (e.g. NHMRC) mandating open access.

Complex relationships between organisations/institutions. Ease of sharing resources?? Made difficult through high-level partnership agreements.

Some organisations/institutions limited budgets and thus limited access to closed systems sych as Moodle/ other learning management systems. Relying on free content systems. Assessment of reliability, stability?