Welcome to MeetingWords TEAM 11! This pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents! Choose a colour on the right, write your first name, then start writing! At the end: save (at the top). Haiku : Have just confidence Like your life, it is so nice Or be sad and bad HOW TO... BE HAPPY TRUST YOUR FRIEND KEEP SMILING TRY TO ACCEPT YOURSELF F A Confident Elegant BANG BANG BANG I WANNA BE A CONFIDENCT I WANNA BE A SUPERMAN I WANNA BE A MILLIONAIRE MILLIONAIRE MILLIONAIRE STOP WAIT A MINUTE DON'T BE ANYONE ELSE JUST BE YOURSELF BANG one more???? hey, come on!!! Paweł??? WHAT? :) le's make one more I'M THINKING ABOUT MY HAIKU :) great! 5 syllables+ 7 syllables+ 5?