
Latest text of pad eSyNd0EjBJ
Saved March 11, 2021
Welcome to ArmonyLand Students Meeting!
In this meeting we will share our ideas about rules of ArmonyLand... Please think about these rules and read all the other rules . Then please share your wonderful ideas with us.
1. Respect each other.(Asrın Tr)
2.Do not use capital letters when writing a message. Because that means shouting.
3.Let's be respectful even if we don't see each other while we are chatting on the Internet. (Asrin Tr)
4. Do not erase or spoil the work of other children(
 5.Try to cooperate with each other.(
 6.Never offend a classmate for the work he's done.(
7. Read all ideas, respect them and be polite to others. (Marilena)
8.We must never spread thinks that someone want to none know.(
9. While our teachers are speaking, we should not be in the middle of their speech (Can U.
10. Do our mission in the deadline (Asrın Tr)
11. We must always be a participant in the project and we should keep up to date with messages. (Zeynep Tr)
We must do always our projects or our work.