
Latest text of pad bt2gkDt9c6
Saved May 13, 2022
Familia Octava
En mi futuro será posible luchar contra el calentamiento global utilizando el transporte público o dejar el coche y cambiarlo por la bicicleta. También utilizando coches eléctricos. Ahorrar energía ya que es algo importante. Puedes ahorrar energía: apagando las luces cuando no se usan, usando velas y no usando la luz durante el día .
Reduc ir y reutilizar el agua. Y sobre todo, que todos contribuyeron a ello. En mi ciudad del futuro, todos los problemas del calentamiento global habrán terminado. Volvemos a lo tradicional: reemplazamos las luces por velas, los braseros por chimeneas, las lavadoras por la forma tradicional de lavar la ropa y mucho más. básicamente volviendo a lo tradicional .
For me, the ideal city would be a city where the inhabitants would always be friendly and smiling. They would not throw their waste on the ground but in the sorting bins that would be located in the streets. We would have buses that run on electricity and go everywhere. Car use would be regulated and walking and cycling would be encouraged. The public gardens would be filled with flowers, vegetables and fruits maintained by the citizens who could come
harvest them later.
For me, the ideal city would be that the people were fun and pleasant, that there were entertaining places for young people, that the river was clean and we could bathe, that there was a train, a place to take our pets like parks for example, that there would be no pollution and there would be more gyms.
para mi, la ciudad ideal no sobrepasará los límites urbanos ,respetando así todo el ecosistema natural que le rodea, con sus respectivas zonas naturales como parques. También habrá un control horario de las farolas para evitar la contaminación lumínica y a su vez ahorrar para posteriormewnte invertir en herramientas para un desarrollo sostenible como energías renovables.
In the future cities won't be cities, they will be homes, for everyone; starting from homless people, who will be given a place to stay, to animals, whose environment will be respected and regarded. In the cities of the future there will still be a lot of problems to solve, of course, but we will have taken matter in our own hands, so all of the problems we hear about today will be solved. But how could we do all of this? 
A new model of sustainability is needed, including new ways to save and use more clean energy. We could simply start by updating our way of moving around the city, we could promote walking and cycling over public transport, and public transport over single use cars. We should start to build our streets thinking of bycicles and people, and not cars. 
Another thing that could be done is the assimilation of new green areas in the city, where now there is a concrete open space, there could be a wonderful park, with trees and fields. 
Cities should also be accesible to everyone, meaning that people on wheelchairs, but not only them, should not have problems going up and down sidewalks or entering a shop.